AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation

Welcome to the first newsletter of the AISA SESAR exploratory research project. The AISA (AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation) is a two and half years long project started on the 1st of June 2020. The project is investigating how to increase automation in air traffic management. More information on the project can be found at the AISA website.


The Kick-off meeting of the AISA project was held on 12 June 2020 via WebEx organized by the SESAR JU. The whole AISA consortium and numerous SESAR officials and experts were participating.

First publication

The first publication on the AISA project was published last summer in the Bulletin of the Croatian Academy of Engineering. The paper “The Proposal of a Concept of Artificial Situational Awareness in ATC” can be downloaded from the AISA project website.

First AISA workshop

The AISA project organized its first workshop on the 16th of September 2020. During the online event, the consortium presented the draft Concept of Operations for the proposed new ATM Artificial Intelligence Situational Awareness System. The AISA workshop was repeated in three time slots to ensure better interactivity. The workshop session had more than 50 participants. All the sessions had good discussion sections, questions and comments arrived on several issues. The presentation is available for download in pdf format.

AISA at SID (poster, video)

AISA project has submitted a poster to the on-line SID2020 and the Project Coordinator Tomislav Radišić presented it in a short video. The poster and the video are available for download.
The presentation of the poster was delivered by the AISA Project Coordinator Mr. Tomislav Radisic and it won the best poster prize.


D2.1 Concept of Operations for AI Situational Awareness

One of the main deliverables during the 1st year of the project is the CONOPS of AISA. This concept of operations is developed as a base for human-machine distributed situational awareness that will be used as support in en-route ATC monitoring tasks. The concept of operations describes the expected changes between the current concept of operations, future concepts which do not consider human machine distributed situational awareness, and the proposed concept which includes the AI into the team situational awareness.

AISA Requirement analysis

D2.2 Requirements for automation of monitoring tasks via AI SA

The analysis shows which monitoring tasks exist, which of them can be automated in different scenarios (medium/high automation), and most importantly what are requirements for their automation in terms of needed data, changes in operations, changes in the user interface, and the possible effect on human operators.

Other AISA deliverables and publications

The AISA consortium continuously prepares new deliverables and those which are approved, are uploaded to the AISA website. New publications will also be stored at the dissemination part of the website. Stay in touch with AISA If you are interested in AISA activities between two AISA newsletters, we recommend you to follow the AISA Linkedin channel, where you can get the latest information on the project and also we share aviation AI development related news.

Stay in touch with AISA

If you are interested in AISA activities between two AISA newsletters, we recommend you to follow the AISA LinkedIn channel, where you can get the latest information on the project also we share aviation AI development related news.
In case of questions, issues, please write to Andrej Kocsis, AISA communication and dissemination manager: The AISA consortium plans to issue four newsletters, (incl. the current one). If you are interested make sure to check back here time to time or ask to be included in the address list.

Contact information

Prof. Tomislav Radišić
University of Zagreb

This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under Grant Agreement No. 892618, under European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme.